Adult Fitness

Adult Fitness: Yoga and Zumba Classes

Peachy Fitness is proud to offer Kids Fitness and Adult Fitness in Ann Arbor! We offer ladies-only Yoga, mix gender Yoga, and ladies only Zumba.


What are Yoga Classes like

Our Yoga classes provide a private and comfortable location to learn yoga. You also learn how to stretch and become more flexible. Learning to incorporate inner peace with the body, and relaxing as you journey towards a healthier lifestyle, are two on-going goals of yoga.

Peachy Fitness Yoga classes are open to students at any level. Students may drop in at any time or purchase a class discount package for savings on our classes. New clients can also try one drop-in Yoga class before making a long-term commitment.

Peachy Fitness offers:

  • Restorative/Better Back Yoga
  • Lunch Time Yoga
  • Candlelight Yin Yoga
  • Family Yoga


What are Zumba Classes like

Adult Fitness

Energize and refresh with a Zumba® class from Peachy Fitness. Zumba classes are for ladies only. This guarantees you a private and comfortable location to have fun.

Zumba classes are typically about an hour long and are taught by licensed instructors. The exercises include music with fast and slow rhythms. Zumba music comes from the following dance styles: Latin, Russian, Bollywood, Arabic, Hip Hop/Pop, Ballroom, Cumbia, Salsa/Cha-Cha, Reggaeton, Samba, Warm-up and Cool-Down songs.

Not only are our Zumba classes fun, but they’re good for your health. Allwomenstalk explains the benefits of Zumba classes and exactly how they are beneficial toward weight loss and overall health.


Peachy Fitness offers:

  • Zumba (Ladies Only)
  • After Work Zumba (Mixed Gender)


Peachy Fitness is conveniently located in Ann Arbor.

Peachy Fitness
2385 S. Huron Parkway
Ann Arbor, MI 48104